  • 我的观影记录

  The Last Ocean The Ross Sea, Antarctica is the most pristine stretch of ocean on Earth. A vast, frozen landscape that teems with life - whales, seals and penguins carving out a place on the very edge of existence. Californian ecologist David Ainley has been traveling to the Ross Sea to study this unique ecosystem for more than thirty years. He has written scientific papers describing it as a 'living laboratory'. Largely untouched by humans, it is one of the last places where the delicate balance of nature prevails. But an international fishing fleet has recently found its way to the Ross Sea. It is targeting Antarctic toothfish, sold as Chilean Seabass in up-market restaurants around the world. The catch is so lucrative it is known as white gold. Ainley knows that unless fishing is stopped the natural balance of the Ross Sea will be lost forever. He rallies his fellow scientists and meets up with a Colorado nature photographer and New Zealand filmmaker who also share a deep passion for this pristine corner of the world. All want to stop fishing and protect this last pristine ecosystem. Together they form 'the Last Ocean' and begin a campaign taking on the commercial fishers and governments in a race to protect Earth's last untouched ocean from our insatiable appetite for fish.   译文(2): 最后的海洋南极洲的罗斯海是地球上最原始的海洋。一个广阔的,冰冻的景观,充满了生命-鲸鱼,海豹和企鹅雕刻出一个地方的存在的边缘。三十多年来,加利福尼亚生态学家大卫 · 安利(David Ainley)一直前往罗斯海研究这个独特的生态系统。他曾撰写过科学论文,将其描述为一个“活的实验室”。这里基本上没有人类的足迹,是自然界微妙平衡占据主导地位的最后几个地方之一。但是一支国际捕鱼船队最近找到了通往罗斯海的道路。它的目标客户是鳞头犬牙南极鱼,在世界各地的高档餐厅以智利海鲈的名字出售。渔获物利润丰厚,被称为“白金”。安利知道,除非停止捕鱼,否则罗斯海的自然平衡将永远失去。他召集了他的科学家伙伴,并会见了科罗拉多州的自然摄影师和新西兰电影制片人谁也分享了对这个原始世界的角落深深的激情。所有人都想停止捕鱼,保护这个最后的原始生态系统。他们一起组成了“最后的海洋”,并开始了一场针对商业渔民和政府的运动,以保护地球上最后一片未开发的海洋免受我们对鱼类贪得无厌的欲望的侵害。


2024-06-12 14:57:15,最后更新于 20天前


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◎影片时长:88 分钟





◎更新时间:2024-06-12 14:57:15


  The Last Ocean The Ross Sea, Antarctica is the most pristine stretch of ocean on Earth. A vast, frozen landscape that teems with life - whales, seals and penguins carving out a place on the very edge of existence. Californian ecologist David Ainley has been traveling to the Ross Sea to study this unique ecosystem for more than thirty years. He has written scientific papers describing it as a 'living laboratory'. Largely untouched by humans, it is one of the last places where the delicate balance of nature prevails. But an international fishing fleet has recently found its way to the Ross Sea. It is targeting Antarctic toothfish, sold as Chilean Seabass in up-market restaurants around the world. The catch is so lucrative it is known as white gold. Ainley knows that unless fishing is stopped the natural balance of the Ross Sea will be lost forever. He rallies his fellow scientists and meets up with a Colorado nature photographer and New Zealand filmmaker who also share a deep passion for this pristine corner of the world. All want to stop fishing and protect this last pristine ecosystem. Together they form 'the Last Ocean' and begin a campaign taking on the commercial fishers and governments in a race to protect Earth's last untouched ocean from our insatiable appetite for fish.

  译文(2): 最后的海洋南极洲的罗斯海是地球上最原始的海洋。一个广阔的,冰冻的景观,充满了生命-鲸鱼,海豹和企鹅雕刻出一个地方的存在的边缘。三十多年来,加利福尼亚生态学家大卫 · 安利(David Ainley)一直前往罗斯海研究这个独特的生态系统。他曾撰写过科学论文,将其描述为一个“活的实验室”。这里基本上没有人类的足迹,是自然界微妙平衡占据主导地位的最后几个地方之一。但是一支国际捕鱼船队最近找到了通往罗斯海的道路。它的目标客户是鳞头犬牙南极鱼,在世界各地的高档餐厅以智利海鲈的名字出售。渔获物利润丰厚,被称为“白金”。安利知道,除非停止捕鱼,否则罗斯海的自然平衡将永远失去。他召集了他的科学家伙伴,并会见了科罗拉多州的自然摄影师和新西兰电影制片人谁也分享了对这个原始世界的角落深深的激情。所有人都想停止捕鱼,保护这个最后的原始生态系统。他们一起组成了“最后的海洋”,并开始了一场针对商业渔民和政府的运动,以保护地球上最后一片未开发的海洋免受我们对鱼类贪得无厌的欲望的侵害。


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