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Candy Cane Christmas

Candy Cane Christmas

  It's the Christmas season, the favorite time of year for Phoebe Saunders, half owner/operator of Seeing Green Flower Shop along with her childhood best friend, Laurie Danes. Phoebe is set in her traditions in all aspects of life, which makes this season potentially not as special when she learns that her favorite Christmas tradition, Candy Cane Lane - a street in her old neighborhood decorated by the residents - not happening for the first time since she was a child with Louise McGraw, the long time organizer, moving, and all the other residents losing interest. Laurie sees this as an opportunity for Phoebe as she's felt Phoebe's traditions have stifled her life, preventing her from experiencing new things. In finding other things to fill the void left by the absence of Candy Cane Lane, Phoebe meets Eric Kelton, a veterinarian. Eric has shut himself off from love since the demise of his last serious relationship, this Christmas the first since that break-up. That first encounter between Phoebe and Eric leads to a second chance encounter, with many more chance encounters to come. Although there is an attraction between the two, they have just as many moments of the stars not aligning for them to embark on a relationship as they do those chance encounters. What happens between the two of them may be affected by if there is a special something to replace Phoebe's beloved Candy Candy Lane.   译文(3): 这是圣诞节,是Phoebe Saunders一年中最喜欢的时间,她是Seeing Green Flower Shop的一半老板/经营者,还有她儿时最好的朋友Laurie Danes。Phoebe在生活的各个方面都有自己的传统,这使得这个季节可能没有那么特别,因为她得知自己最喜欢的圣诞传统Candy Cane Lane——她旧社区的一条街道,由居民装饰——自从她小时候和长期组织者Louise McGraw搬家以来,这是第一次没有发生,所有其他居民都失去了兴趣。Laurie认为这对Phoebe来说是一个机会,因为她觉得Phoebe的传统扼杀了她的生活,使她无法体验新事物。在寻找其他东西来填补Candy Cane Lane缺席留下的空白时,Phoebe遇到了兽医Eric Kelton。埃里克自从上一段严肃的恋情结束后就不再谈恋爱了,今年圣诞节是分手后的第一次。菲比和埃里克的第一次相遇导致了第二次偶然相遇,还有更多的偶然相遇。尽管两人之间有吸引力,但他们有很多不结盟的时刻,让他们开始恋爱,就像他们偶然相遇一样。如果有什么特别的东西可以取代菲比心爱的糖果巷,他们两人之间发生的事情可能会受到影响。


2023-06-10 13:33:40,最后更新于 1年前


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◎影片名称:Candy Cane Christmas

◎影片别名:Un Noël à réinventer




◎影片时长:91 分钟


◎影片主演:贝弗利·米切尔 马克·加尼梅 马克·戴 戴安娜·贾维斯 尼克·艾伦 马修·斯特菲克 




◎更新时间:2023-06-10 13:33:40


  It's the Christmas season, the favorite time of year for Phoebe Saunders, half owner/operator of Seeing Green Flower Shop along with her childhood best friend, Laurie Danes. Phoebe is set in her traditions in all aspects of life, which makes this season potentially not as special when she learns that her favorite Christmas tradition, Candy Cane Lane - a street in her old neighborhood decorated by the residents - not happening for the first time since she was a child with Louise McGraw, the long time organizer, moving, and all the other residents losing interest. Laurie sees this as an opportunity for Phoebe as she's felt Phoebe's traditions have stifled her life, preventing her from experiencing new things. In finding other things to fill the void left by the absence of Candy Cane Lane, Phoebe meets Eric Kelton, a veterinarian. Eric has shut himself off from love since the demise of his last serious relationship, this Christmas the first since that break-up. That first encounter between Phoebe and Eric leads to a second chance encounter, with many more chance encounters to come. Although there is an attraction between the two, they have just as many moments of the stars not aligning for them to embark on a relationship as they do those chance encounters. What happens between the two of them may be affected by if there is a special something to replace Phoebe's beloved Candy Candy Lane.

  译文(3): 这是圣诞节,是Phoebe Saunders一年中最喜欢的时间,她是Seeing Green Flower Shop的一半老板/经营者,还有她儿时最好的朋友Laurie Danes。Phoebe在生活的各个方面都有自己的传统,这使得这个季节可能没有那么特别,因为她得知自己最喜欢的圣诞传统Candy Cane Lane——她旧社区的一条街道,由居民装饰——自从她小时候和长期组织者Louise McGraw搬家以来,这是第一次没有发生,所有其他居民都失去了兴趣。Laurie认为这对Phoebe来说是一个机会,因为她觉得Phoebe的传统扼杀了她的生活,使她无法体验新事物。在寻找其他东西来填补Candy Cane Lane缺席留下的空白时,Phoebe遇到了兽医Eric Kelton。埃里克自从上一段严肃的恋情结束后就不再谈恋爱了,今年圣诞节是分手后的第一次。菲比和埃里克的第一次相遇导致了第二次偶然相遇,还有更多的偶然相遇。尽管两人之间有吸引力,但他们有很多不结盟的时刻,让他们开始恋爱,就像他们偶然相遇一样。如果有什么特别的东西可以取代菲比心爱的糖果巷,他们两人之间发生的事情可能会受到影响。


  {不休影院为您整理了电影《Candy Cane Christmas》的相关资讯,《Candy Cane Christmas》于加拿大上映,是一部由导演阿德里安·兰利 导演执导,贝弗利·米切尔 马克·加尼梅 马克·戴 戴安娜·贾维斯 尼克·艾伦 马修·斯特菲克 等演员精彩演绎的加拿大电影,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上不休影院(www.csxier.com),本网站同时也提供《Candy Cane Christmas》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。


